Ubi caritas et amor

Photo: Jana Kießer
In a work of music theatre that pits Gregorian chant against dribbling basketballs, Vöcks de Schwindt and their ensemble are on a quest for forms of closeness and intimacy between men. What strength and what serenity is there in Gregorian chant? What closeness and what distance can be found in basketball?
Three male voices ring out across the dark performance space. A Gregorian chant. Suddenly, there’s the sound of someone dribbling a basketball. Bodies are set in motion. Rapid breathing. Light.
In a work of music theatre set between these opposing forces, Vöcks de Schwindt and their ensemble are on a quest for forms of closeness and intimacy between men. What strength and what serenity is there in Gregorian chant? What closeness and what distance can be found in basketball? What rituals of tenderness can possibly be found in these two patriarchal structures?
Amidst intimacy and shame, rivalry and desire, competition and solidarity, the evening seeks out those human encounters which exist beyond hegemonic aspirations of power.
Drei Männerstimmen erklingen im dunklen Bühnenraum. Ein gregorianischer Choral. Plötzlich das Dribbeln eines Basketballs. Die Körper geraten in Bewegung. Schneller Atem. Licht.
In diesem musiktheatralen Spannungsfeld ergründen Vöcks de Schwindt mit ihrem Ensemble Formen der Nähe und Intimität zwischen Männern. Wie viel Kraft und Ruhe produzieren gregorianische Gesänge, wie viel Nähe und Distanz liegen im Basketballspiel? Welche zärtlichen Rituale lassen sich innerhalb dieser beiden patriarchalen Strukturen finden?
Zwischen Vertrautheit und Scham, Wettkampf und Begierde, Konkurrenz und Komplizenschaft sucht der Abend nach Begegnungen jenseits hegemonialer Machtansprüche.
Concept Wenzel Vöcks de Schwindt
Staging Vöcks de Schwindt
Performance & Singing Philipp Keßel, Ludwig Obst & Daniel Wendler
Dramaturgy & Production Assistance Leonie Adam
Dramaturgy Assistance Federico Vöcks de Schwindt
Costume Design Maja Avnat & Jojo Shone
Light Design Fabian Eichner & Wenzel Vöcks de Schwindt
Musical Supervision Patrick Orlich
Basketball Training Patrick Bingel & Fabian Masche
Direction Assistance & Stage Management Clara-Sophie Freitag
Direction Assistance Samuel Petit
Special Effect Eike Gero Vöcks
Administration Chris Wohlrab
A production by Vöcks de Schwindt in co-production with LOFFT – DAS THEATER and in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost and TATWERK | Performative Forschung.
With the kind support of Vorspiel SSL Berlin e.V.
Funded by the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa des Landes Berlin and the Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin, Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur – Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur and the Stadt Leipzig, Kulturamt.
This production was part of the residency program schloss bröllin e.V., supported by the Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the Landkreis Vorpommern-Greifswald.
Photos: Nadja Häupl
Rehearsal residency in March 2021
in the frame of the residency program schloss bröllin e.V.
Photos: Peter van Heesen / schloss bröllin e.V.
Show history
27th of February 2022 at 18:00 // LOFFT – DAS THEATER // Leipzig
26th of February 2022 at 20:00 // LOFFT – DAS THEATER // Leipzig
25th of February 2022 at 20:00 // Premiere & Coproduction // postponed from May 2021 // LOFFT – DAS THEATER // Leipzig
13th of February 2022 at 18:00 // cancelled due to covid 19 // Ballhaus Ost // Berlin
12th of February 2022 at 20:00 // cancelled due to covid 19 // Ballhaus Ost // Berlin
11th of February 2022 at 20:00 // Premiere // cancelled due to covid 19 // postponed from April 2021 // Ballhaus Ost // Berlin
11th of July 2021 at 18:00 // cancelled due to covid 19 // Ballhaus Ost // Berlin
10th of July 2021 at 20:00 // cancelled due to covid 19// Ballhaus Ost // Berlin
09th of July 2021 at 20:00 // Premiere // cancelled due to covid 19 // Ballhaus Ost // Berlin
9th of Mai 2021 // cancelled due to covid 19 // LOFFT – DAS THEATER // Leipzig
8th of Mai 2021 // cancelled due to covid 19 // LOFFT – DAS THEATER // Leipzig
7th of Mai 2021 // Premiere // cancelled due to covid 19 // LOFFT – DAS THEATER // Leipzig
7th of May 2021 at 19:00 // Release // Audio-Talk on soft masculinities // LOFFT – DAS THEATER // online
25th of April 2021 at 20:30 // cancelled due to covid 19 // WUK Theater Quartier // Halle/Saale
24th April of 2021 at 20:30 // cancelled due to covid 19 // WUK Theater Quartier // Halle/Saale
11th of April 2021 // cancelled due to covid 19 // Ballhaus Ost // Berlin
10th of April 2021 // cancelled due to covid 19 // Ballhaus Ost // Berlin
09th of April 2021 // Premiere // cancelled due to covid 19 // Ballhaus Ost // Berlin
2nd of April 2021 at 20:30 // Between Us – Backstage peeping on Twitch // TATWERK | Performative Forschung // online*
13th of March 2021 at 18:30 // Work in progress presentation and Q & A // schloss bröllin e. V. // online
8th to 14th of March 2021 // Granted rehearsal residency // schloss bröllin e. V. // Bröllin
* Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.