Vöcks de Schwindt

Regieduo für Performance, Schauspiel und Musiktheather

(c) Jana Kießer

Information for theatres and festivals

The production On the first night we looked at maps – LOS ALEMANES DEL VOLGA is available for touring.

It is a documentary performance for 2 performers and 10 to 14 audience members by and with Wenzel U. Vöcks and Federico Schwindt on the topic of migration in history connected with the story of an international gay couple looking to build a shared identity.

The audience is sitting together with the performers around a table on stage. The production is for conventional and non-conventional theatrical spaces.

The main language is English. German and Spanish are also used, but are not necessary to follow the performance.

The number of audience for this performance is limited to 10 to 14 (depending on the size of the table available) to keep its characteristic intimacy and to give everybody in the audience a seat directly at the table together with the performers and as well as to offer them a close look on the maps and the other props used.

Duration: 70min (+ ca. 15min: Usually we like to have a short q&a with the audience directly after the show.)

For further information please check the following links:
Main page about the performance, including pictures
Technical Rider in English and German (Please enter the password that was given to you.)
Video of the complete performance (Please enter the password that was given to you.)

If you are considering to book this production and like to know more or have any question which is not answered here, please don’t hesitate to contact me.